Transition to College Program(TTC)

Transition To College

Transition To College Services provides outreach and support to local high school seniors on an Indiviaulized Education Plan(IEP), Section 504 plan, or verified disability. The TTC program is designed to connect high school students with disabilities to Reedley College DSP&S services.

Services may include:

  • Completing the DSP&S intake. Click here to Apply.
  • SCCCD Online College Application Assistance
  • Specialized Academic Advising
  • Student Education Plan(SEP)
  • Academic Accommodation Plan(AAP)


Dual Enrollment or High School Enrichment

  • High school students taking a Dual Enrollment or High School Enrichment college class are considered to be SCCCD stduents regardless of their status at their high school.
  • A high school IEP or 504 plan alone does not determine eligibility to receive academic accommodations in SCCCD college courses.
  • In order to become eligible for academic accommodations in a SCCCD college course, students must:
    1. Self-identify as a student with a disability
    2. Apply to the DSP&S program. Click here to Apply.
    3. Upload a copy of the student's most recent IEP, 504 plan(including diagnosis), or other verification of a disability.
    4. Meet with a DSP&S counselor to request accommodations and develop an Academic Accommodation Plan(AAP)
    5. Email a Faculty Notification Letter(FNL) of agreed-upon accommodations to their college course instructor(s) through their student AIM portal.



For more information contact:

Fuechi Lor
Counselor/Coordinator Transition To College/Dual Enrollment

Phone: 559-494-3032