Pete P. Peters Honors Program
In order to be eligible for college transfer agreements, like the UCLA TAP (Transfer Alliance Program), for example, students need to meet the following criteria:
- Students must be admitted into the RC Honors Program.
- Students must be pursuing a degree or transfer from Reedley College.
Only students enrolled in the RC Honors Program are eligible to apply for the Pete P. Peters Foundation Honors Scholarship.
For the UCLA Transfer Alliance Program, students are certified after completing the RC Honors Program and given priority consideration for admission to UCLA. While the UCLA TAP gives students the opportunity to enhance their ability to transfer to UCLA at the junior level from Reedley College, it is not a guarantee.
The Pete P. Peters Honors Program is designed to challenge students with a research-based, integrated curriculum. Students’ efforts are rewarded through priority registration, transfer agreements through Honors Transfer Council of California at top universities, UCLA TAP (priority admission consideration at UCLA), special honors classes, seminars, opportunities to present at honors research symposiums, field trips, and a chance to apply for a $1000 to $1500 scholarship, pending required GPA, student status, and funding availability. Students take their choice of honors courses and participate in activities to prepare them for transfer to the best universities. Highly successful continuing Reedley College students working towards transferring and seeking additional opportunities are strongly encouraged to enroll in Honors courses, as well as students who have demonstrated exceptional academic achievement in high school.
Upon successful completion of the honors program, students will have the knowledge and skills to conduct interdisciplinary research and then present this research. Honors students will be able to analyze and utilize scholarly research materials that incorporate sufficient, credible, and relevant evidence in written and/or oral communication within the various academic disciplines.
Our mission statement is: "The Pete P. Peters Honors Program challenges and supports students in the Program to engage in scholarly achievement, independent investigation, and leadership roles. The Honors Program encourages its students and faculty to embrace diversity to enhance its sense of community and shared purpose."
Pete P. Peters Honors Program Opportunities
- An opportunity to apply for a $1,500 scholarship upon successful completion of the honors program, contingent upon future funding
- membership in UCLA TAP, which provides students the opportunity to enhance their ability to transfer to UCLA
- membership in Honors Transfer Council of California, which provides students opportunities for transfer to over thirty-five universities, scholarships, and conference presentation at their annual research symposium
- priority registration
- small classes taught by dedicated, research-minded instructors
- choice of honors classes each semester
- special transfer counseling
- opportunities to experience interdisciplinary research forums
- an opportunity to present research at the Central Valley Honors Symposium
Certificate in Honors
In order to earn the Honors Completion Certificate, students must have:
- maintained a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0
- Honors Program students must maintain a cumulative 3.0 GPA
- Honors Program students must maintain a cumulative 3.0 GPA
- earned a grade of “C” or better in all Honors courses
- successfully completed at least 15 units of Honors designated courses with at least one of those courses being an honors forum course—Honors 3A, Honors 3B, Honors 3C, or Honors 3D*
- strictly adhered to the guidelines for academic honesty from the Reedley College catalog
- maintained active participation in the Honors Program and Reedley College through Honors Program activities, student clubs, community service activities, campus employment, and student government
Students must apply for the certificate via Self-Service on their RC student portal by October 1 for fall completers or by March 1 for spring completers.
Honors Scholarship (Application Window, March 1 - March 31)
Each Spring semester, all successful Honors Program students are strongly encouraged to apply for a $1,000 scholarship (contingent upon funding).
In order to apply, students must have:
- Maintained a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0
- Earned a grade of “C” or better in all Honors courses
- Strictly adhered to the guidelines for academic honesty from the Reedley College catalog
- Successfully completed at least 15 units of Honors designated courses with at least one of those courses being an honors forum course —Honors 3A, Honors 3B, Honors 3C, or Honors 3D
- Maintained active participation in the Honors Program and Reedley College through Honors Program activities, student clubs, community service activities, campus employment, and student government
- Completed 40 service hours along with a completed service hour log(s) with supervisor(s) signatures
- Maintained a portfolio of capstone projects completed in Honors coursework
- Successfully presented the completed portfolio at an exit interview

Honors Curriculum
Current Fall Honors Class Choices
- **Honors 1 (Introduction to Research), 1 unit
- English 1AH (Composition), 4 units
- Art 6H (Art History), 3 units
- ****English 3H (Critical Thinking), 3 units
- Communication 1H (Public Speaking), 3 units
- Honors 3C (Natural and Biological Sciences), a research-based class for students enrolled in: Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy
- Honors 3D (Social Sciences), a research-based class for students enrolled in history, political science, philosophy, psychology, or sociology courses, 2 units
Current Spring Honors Class Choices
- Philosophy 1CH (Ethics), 3 units
- English 1BH (Literature), 3 units
- Political Science 2H (American Government), 3 units
- Honors 3A (Applied Sciences), a research-based class for students enrolled in: Math, Engineering, Computer Science, Accounting, 2 units
- Honors 3B (Humanities), a research-based class for students enrolled in: Literature, Music, Languages, Art, or Art History, 2 units
- Music 12H (Music Appreciation), 3 units
- Biology 10H (Introduction to Life Science), 3 units
***Summer Honors Class Choices, A study abroad experience
- Honors 4 (International Cultural Exploration), 2 units
- English 1BH (Literature), 3 units
*Students may take one course, up to 3 units maximum at another college within the SCCCD system per an extenuating circumstance. Requests for approval must be submitted ahead of time by submitting an Honors Designated Course Waiver form. To obtain this form, contact Honors Coordinator, Deanna Garabedian, @
**Honors 1 is strongly recommended for students entering Reedley College for the first time and joining the fall cohort.
***For more information about this district summer study abroad opportunity, contact Coordinator of International Education Dr. Margaret Hiebert at or (559) 243-7265.
****Honors students must complete English 1A or English 1AH in order to be eligible to enroll in English 3H. Passing AP scores do not fulfill this requirement.
Eligibility Requirements:
- A cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher
- An intent to transfer to a four-year university
Admissions Procedures:
Interested students who meet the eligibility requirements must submit an application to apply for the coming fall semester.
If selected as a potential candidate for the Honors Program, students will be contacted about scheduling an interview. Final candidates will be selected based on their application and their interview. Students granted admission will become a part of an Honors Program cohort.
The Honors Program application filing period for priority admission is October 1 - February 1. Questions? Please contact Honors Coordinator Deanna Garabedian at
About Pete P. Peters
The youngest son of Armenian immigrants, Pete P. Peters, known as “Uncle Pete” to many, got his start running Fresno’s Valley Foundry and Machine Works. During that time, the business manufactured wine grape crushers, but shifted to ship winches and valves during World War II. Fresno Foundry later was sold to Amatek, where Mr. Peters continued his career as vice president. He longed to attend college, but instead worked hard and gained a reputation as an honest businessman.
Success spurred Mr. Peters to form his own charitable foundation. The Pete P. Peters Foundation is guided by the words of Mr. Peter’s late father: “Give back to the community.” He believes that strong education and health care are integral components that make good communities great.