High Tech Center and Alternate Media
The High Tech Center and Alternate Media Services are located in the DSP&S office and provide Reedley College DSP&S students with three main service components.
Alternate Media
Alternate media is created and provided to students with verified disabilities who request textbooks and other relevant course materials to be modified into MP3 files, Braille, and large print.
Accessible Computer Work Stations
Student access to computers is increased at the High Tech Center due to the accessible work stations. Work stations include adjustable tables and screens, additional space so students with wheelchairs can maneuver with less barriers.
Adaptive Computer Software
The High Tech Center and several other locations on campus house computers with adaptive computer software. Software includes Kurzweil, ReadWrite Gold, Read Please, Fast Forward, Dragon Naturally Speaking, and Inspiration.
For more information call (559) 638-0332