Glossary of Transfer Terms

AP (Advanced Placement)

An exam that students can take to receive college credit. Credit is determined by the college, school, or major at the campus in which the student transfers.


When a decision is rendered, on a petition, not in the favor of a student, the student provides additional documentation to the deciding party to receive a review for a favorable decision.


This is information about coursework from one college that indicates whether or not a course will transfer to another college, and usually determines if that coursework is equivalent to either major requirements, general education requirements and/or elective credit.


A website that has articulation information between the California community colleges and specific campuses of the University of California (UC) and California State Universities (CSU).

Bachelors Degree (Baccalaureate)

The diploma awarded to an undergraduate that has completed all of the university graduation requirements.


The dictionary, Yellow pages, and travel guide all rolled into one, which focuses on a specific college campus. The information contained in the catalog covers policies and procedures for academic and non-academic affairs.


California Community College


A collection of departments and/or majors connected together usually by an academic discipline or theme.


California State University.


A specific unit that usually focuses on one specific field of academics (i.e. psychology or history).

EAP (Education Abroad Program)

A program of study at 120 colleges in 35 countries available in the junior year of undergraduate study ranging from one quarter to a full academic year. Transfer students may apply for EAP before enrolling at UC, but only under certain conditions.

General Education

A broad offering of courses to include a wide variety of subject matter intended to help students become well-rounded; also known as survey courses.

GPA (Grade Point Average)

A grading scale that ascribes point value to letter grades based on the number of units called grade points. A GPA is determined by the following formula:                                                                          Total grade points for all coursework/ total graded units attempted = GPA                                         i.e. 36 /12 = 3.0 GPA

IB (International Baccalaureate)

An exam whereby a student can receive unit credit.

IGETC (Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum)

A specific pattern of courses that completes UC and CSU general education (GE) course requirements which can be completed at a California Community College.


A term used to describe courses that are usually taught the freshman or sophomore year of college and are general in content. California Community Colleges can only teach lower-division courses.

Lower-Division Major Preparation

Lower division courses that are required as foundation information for upper division coursework. These courses are often comprised from a variety of departments. For example, engineering students are required to complete lower division courses in physics, chemistry and math.


A specific course of study that is the focus of the undergraduate degree emphasizing one specific discipline.


Additional coursework in a specific discipline other than the declared major, usually related to the major, but not always.


The ability to ask for, in writing, a special exception to a specified rule or policy.

Quarter System

The division of the academic year into four equal parts. All UCs, except Berkeley, are on a modified quarter system. In the UCs, three-quarters constitute an academic year, with summer school considered an optional "quarter".


Repeating a course where a "D", "F", or "No Credit" (NC) was earned.


A school is a separate academic unit within a university.

Selection Criteria

When a campus cannot admit all the eligible applicants, it applies standards that identify high academic achievers with other qualities that can contribute to the strength and diversity of the individual campus community.

Semester System

The division of the academic year into two equal parts. University of California, Berkeley (UCB) is the only UC campus on semester system.

Subject Credit

When completing a course after the maximum units allowable for transfer, a student can earn credit for completion of the specific subject, yet receive no additional units or credits.

TAG (Transfer Admission Guarantee)

A program that assists students at participating community colleges in transferring to certain UC campuses.

TCA (Transferable Course Agreement)

A document published by the University of California (UC) for every California Community College that determines the transferability of all courses from that community college.


University of California


A specific measure of value ascribed to satisfactory completion a course of study. Sometimes referred to as credits or hours.


A category of study at the undergraduate level that is narrower in focus than lower division study. These courses are usually taught in the junior and senior years, and encompass most of the major.

WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges)

The accrediting agency for all UC campuses, CSUs and California Community Colleges.

Well-Rounded Students

Students who, in addition to their major, have completed a broad array of courses in different areas of study.