Student Wireless Network Access
Wireless Network Access is available to all students on the campus using the following
configuration information. Your login username is your 7-digit student ID and your password is the same password used to access your student e-mail account and your student email account, canvas, and webadvisor. If you do not know your student ID you can find it on your registration slip. Faculty and staff should contact the Reedley Help Desk to get connected. Usage of the wireless network is subject to the District Computer Use Policy.
View the SCCCD Use Policy
The SSID that students should be connecting to is called: SCWIFI
Your device must support WPA2 Enterprise with AES encryption. If your device does not support WPA2 Enterprise you will not be able to connect to the wireless network. When connecting, the device will auto-configure your wireless network settings. You may request assistance in the Library Open Computer Lab - LRC115.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please contact Computer Services by sending an e-mail to or call (599) 499-6070