Reedley College MESA

Math Engineering Science Achievement (MESA)
The Reedley College MESA program aims to build a culture of dedicated math and science majors who strive toward academic excellence in their field of study.

Students in Biology will be able to identify the classification of organisms, their structures, and physiology. These students will have successfully explored the human body through the different levels of organization. And these students will have studied environmental systems and the impacts of humans in these systems, perform laboratory experiments with equipment such as EKG machine, otoscope, and microscope.

Program will develop a student’s ability to collect, record, organize, analyze, critically evaluate, and interpret chemical information and data. The student will learn how to apply appropriate theories and techniques, to solve quantitative and qualitative problems.
ChemistryComputer Science

Upon completion of the program, students should be able to understand the social impact of computers on human society, carry out computer related tasks with professional ethics, and write programs using both procedural and object-oriented programming languages.
Computer ScienceDental Assisting

Provides a background in bio dental sciences and practical training in dental office business procedures, chairside assisting, oral x-ray technology, coronal polish, and manipulation of dental materials.
Dental AssistingEngineering

Students will be prepared for engineering internship opportunities or entry-level industrial jobs, with skills in such areas as computer drafting, solid modeling, engineering design, and problem solving. In addition, students will prepare for transfer into four-year engineering programs, learning the fundamentals of physics, chemistry and engineering.
EngineeringEnvironmental Science

The Environmental Science for Transfer Degree is designed for students who plan to transfer to a CSU campus to major in environmental studies and who are interested in areas such as pollution abatement, water resources, ecosystem protection, restoration, or management.
Environmental ScienceHealth Care Interpreter

The program’s purpose is to prepare bilingual and bicultural individuals to develop skills necessary for effective language interpretation in health care settings, to bridge the cultural gap, to develop cultural competency and improve linguistic and cultural communication for health care clients. Interpreters will utilize these skills in community-based organizations to provide accurate health care information and perform cultural advocacy.
Health Care InterpreterKinesiology

A diverse field of academic study and practical application in kinesiology allows students to pursue studies in fields such as kinesiology/physical education credential programs, exercise science, athletic training/sports medicine, and sports administration
KinesiologyLand Surveying

The focus of the Land Surveying program is to provide the student with a thorough background in land surveying and mapping in addition to an introduction to the collecting, manipulating, formatting and mapping of data Land Surveyors measure and record property boundaries and the topography of the land for construction and engineering projects. Surveys are used to establish legal boundaries to prepare maps and exhibits, and write descriptions of land tracts that satisfy legal requirements.
Land SurveyingMathematics

A strong mathematics background allows students to pursue studies in fields such as mathematics, actuarial studies, education, engineering, information technology, statistical analysis, physical science, and advanced mathematics.
MathematicsNursing Assistant Training

This program is designed to prepare the student as an entry level worker, providing basic nursing care to patients in acute care and long-term care settings. The curriculum is structured to provide theory and application in skills needed to function as a Nursing Assistant.
Nursing Assistant TrainingPhysical Education

The student who completes the program will identify effective pedagogical techniques for primary and secondary students. The student will demonstrate a basic knowledge of human anatomy and the treatment of common sports/fitness related injuries. The student will have practical experience in a breadth of activities, such as intercollegiate sports, swimming, racquet sports, and fitness activities like weight training and aerobic dance.
Physical EducationPhysical Sciences

Provides a background in physical science or to prepare students for transfer into chemistry, geology, physics, and engineering four-year programs.
Physical SciencesPhysics

Physics is the study of the relationship between mass and energy and provides a broad range of knowledge and problem-solving skills that are useful in many disciplines. The program at Reedley College emphasizes topics that are encountered in our everyday lives: linear and rotational motion in two and three dimensions, forces, gravity, fluids, waves, sound, heat, electricity, magnetism and light.