Smoke and Tobacco Free Historical Timeline

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) classified environmental tobacco smoke as a carcinogen in 1993, and the Surgeon General of the United States has determined that cigarette smoking is the leading preventable cause of illness and premature death in the United States. Numerous studies have found that breathing secondhand smoke is a cause of disease in healthy nonsmokers, including heart disease, stroke, respiratory disease, and lung cancer.

Since 1994, California law applicable to the College has required that state buildings and state vehicles provide and maintain a smoke-free environment. In 2004, the law was amended to extend the no-smoking zone to 20 feet away from the perimeter of buildings and campus policy was modified accordingly. In 2009, the policy was again modified to increase the no smoking zone to 25 feet from buildings. The change to a smoke -free environment for the entire campus is consistent with Reedley College’s commitment to maintaining a safe and healthy environment for students, staff, faculty, volunteers, and visitors. This Policy sets forth the responsibilities of the members of the campus community in establishing and maintaining a smoke-free campus environment.

In the spring of 2013, Reedley College’s Associated Student Government (ASG) formed a committee to research and evaluate the smoking policies of other colleges as well as the possibility of implementing a policy of designated smoking areas. On April 24, 2013, the ASG adopted a resolution urging Reedley College administration to implement a policy of designated smoking areas. Subsequently, the Reedley College Facilities Committee took the resolution under consideration and ultimately determined that designated smoking areas were a feasible and a beneficial method to allow smoking on campus, while at the same time, mitigating the negative effects of smoking on non-smokers. The Facilities Committee made their recommendation in support of ASG to College Council. College Council was also in favor of the designated smoking areas’ implementation. Once approved, Reedley College as a whole implemented designated smoking areas. These areas were marked by a picnic table with an umbrella, a sign indicating that it is a smoking area and an ash/butt receptacle. During the 10/15/2015 Facilities Committee meeting, difficulty with self-enforcement of the designated smoking areas was discussed. Administrative Services then conducted a survey after considering purchasing additional directional signage. The results of the survey proved that we had widespread areas of concern and a small population of reluctant staff and students. On 4/21/16, the Facilities Committee discussed the consideration of additional signage and continued difficulty in curbing smoking in non-designated areas. The Facilities Committee on 4/21/2016 moved to recommend Reedley College become a smoke-free college. On 4/26/16, news that AB1594 was heading to the State Senate was shared with the Facilities Committee members. On 7/13/2016, Reedley College submitted an application for grant monies which would help fund efforts to promote going smoke-free. On 8/19/16, Reedley College was awarded acceptance of the grant monies to help move forward with smoke-free policy implementation. On September 9, 2016, the Reedley College taskforce determined November 17, 2016 was the most suitable effective date to become smoke-free as it is a date that is celebrated nationally as the Great American Smoke Out. A college-wide survey was then conducted to ensure that the college was moving in the right direction. To view the survey results, click here. The college will not ask you to quit smoking or engaging in use of tobacco products. The college's stance, however, is firmly committed to providing safe and healthy learning environment and will work on enforcing the policy once it becomes effective.
