Open Class List Spring 2025

Gray band designates night class.

Blue over WEB (Online) designates online or hybrid class.

Synchronous: Online learning includes video conferencing, Zoom meetings, teleconferencing, live chatting, and live streaming lectures. The course "Meeting Information" will list meeting days and times.

Asynchronous: Online learning includes self-guided lesson modules, streaming video content, virtual libraries, posted lecture notes, exchange across discussion boards, or social media platforms. The course "Meeting Information" will list "Lec Internet Days to be Announced, Times to be announced Web Based Instruction".

In Person: In Person classes will have a set meeting time and location on campus.

ARR: Arranged. The time will be arranged with the instructor via Canvas after the start of the semester.

Data last refreshed from Colleague on: 2/18/2025 10:47:58 AM

55 Different Course Topics Available

  • American Sign Language

    ( 2 sections )

    • ASL-1-52485 BEG AM SIGN LANG Credit: 4.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 1Waitlist Available: -4

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Barker, Andrew

      This is an online class.

    • ASL-301-53632 BEG AM SIGN LANG Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 25Waitlist Available: 12

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Barker, Andrew

      This is an online class.

  • Biology

    ( 1 section )

    • BIOL-10-52007 INTRO LIFE SCIENCE Credit: 3.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 1Waitlist Available: -18

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Smith Bush, Bethany

      This is an online class.

  • Business Administration

    ( 4 sections )

    • BA-10-57135 INTRO TO BUSINES Credit: 3.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 3Waitlist Available: -11

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Hreische, Chukri

      This is an online class.

    • BA-30-57218 PERSONAL FINANCE Credit: 3.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 5Waitlist Available: -7

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Nasalroad, Ralph

      This is an online class.

    • BA-310-57136 INTRO TO BUSINES Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 39Waitlist Available: 10

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Hreische, Chukri

      This is an online class.

    • BA-330-57225 PERSONAL FINANCE Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 30Waitlist Available: 10

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Nasalroad, Ralph

      This is an online class.

  • Chicano-Latino Studies

    ( 1 section )

    • CLS-11-55486 CHICANO-LATINO ST Credit: 3.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 28Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Fuentes, Francisco

      This is an online class.

  • Communication Studies

    ( 1 section )

    • COMM-1-57759 PUBLIC SPEAKING Credit: 3.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 1Waitlist Available: -5

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Graber-Peters, Jennifer

      This is an online class.

      (A one hour Zoom orientation during week one and two one hour Zoom sessions for live speeches are required. Students must have a working camera and microphone for presenting speeches. Students will have different time/day options to choose from in order to fit their individual needs. Students who are concerned about their schedule are encouraged to contact the instructor for more information at

  • Cont Ed Learning Academy

    ( 3 sections )

    • CELA-307-51242 ONLINE TEACHING Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 01/13/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 0Waitlist Available: 11

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Baker, Elise

      This is an online class.

    • CELA-307-55136 ONLINE TEACHING Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 02/03/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 13Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Baker, Elise

      This is an online class.

    • CELA-308-52461 OER INTRODUCTION Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 01/13/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 20Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Micu, Sarah

      This is an online class.

  • Counseling

    ( 11 sections )

    • COUN-282-57012 LIFE MONEY SKILLS Credit: 1.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 0Waitlist Available: 10

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Morales, Luis

      This is an online class.

    • COUN-283-57025 PARENT STRATEGIES Credit: 1.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 7Waitlist Available: 8

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Morales, Luis

      This is an online class.

    • COUN-34-56962 CAREER AWARENESS Credit: 2.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 0Waitlist Available: 11

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Alvarado, Mario

      This is an online class.

    • COUN-34-56991 CAREER AWARENESS Credit: 2.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 0Waitlist Available: 13

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Mullins, Kimberly

      This is an online class.

    • COUN-382-57020 LIFE MONEY SKILLS Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 22Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Morales, Luis

      This is an online class.

    • COUN-383-57034 PARENT STRATEGIES Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 23Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Morales, Luis

      This is an online class.

    • COUN-47-56997 LRNG STRATEGIES Credit: 2.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 0Waitlist Available: 9

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Torres, Gilbert

      This is an online class.

    • COUN-53-57446 COLLEGE/LIFE MGMT Credit: 3.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 0Waitlist Available: 2

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Marin-Duran, Ruby

      This is an online class.

    • COUN-53-57457 COLLEGE/LIFE MGMT Credit: 3.00

      Class dates: 02/05/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 19Waitlist Available: 6

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Gutierrez, Maricela

      This is an online class.

    • COUN-53-57458 COLLEGE/LIFE MGMT Credit: 3.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 0Waitlist Available: 5

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Ortega Carrillo, Gema

      This is an online class.

    • COUN-53-57460 COLLEGE/LIFE MGMT Credit: 3.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 0Waitlist Available: 9

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Cruz, Susana

      This is an online class.

  • Early Childhood Education

    ( 3 sections )

    • ECE-20-56186 INFANT/TODLR DEV Credit: 3.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 2Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Taintor, Amanda
      LAB -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Taintor, Amanda

      This is an online class.

    • ECE-2-54064 CHILD GRWTH DEV Credit: 3.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 0Waitlist Available: 1

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Anderson, Lauren

      This is an online class.

    • ECE-41-54080 ADMIN II:PERSONNL Credit: 3.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 11Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Davidson, Marcy

      This is an online class.

  • English

    ( 1 section )

    • ENGL-1A-57584 READ & COMP Credit: 4.00

      Class dates: 02/24/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 1Waitlist Available: -5

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Huertaz, Jacqueline

      This is an online class.

      (Students must have access to a Windows PC or Mac and Microsoft Office 2019, Office 2021, or Office 365: Word. Office 365 is available free to all SCCCD students.)

  • English As a Second Language

    ( 2 sections )

    • ESL-115G-57760 ADV ACAD GRMR Credit: 3.00

      Class dates: 02/27/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 14Waitlist Available: 7

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Trippel, Salome

      This is an online class.

      (Optional live Zoom meetings will be held on Thursday afternoons, 1:00pm-1:50pm. Attendance at these live meetings is recommended. Zoom lectures will be recorded and available in Canvas. Students must have a computer with a working camera and microphone. Contact the instructor for more information at

    • ESL-315G-57887 ADV ACAD GRMR Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 02/27/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 21Waitlist Available: 13

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Trippel, Salome

      This is an online class.

      (Optional live Zoom meetings will be held on Thursday afternoons, 1:00pm-1:50pm. Attendance at these live meetings is recommended. Zoom lectures will be recorded and available in Canvas. Students must have a computer with a working camera and microphone. Contact the instructor for more information at

  • Forestry and Natural Resources

    ( 1 section )

    • NR-7-57333 CON NAT RESOURCE Credit: 3.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 0Waitlist Available: 4

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Isner, Heidi

      This is an online class.

  • French

    ( 1 section )

    • FRENCH-2-58050 HIGH-BEG FRENCH Credit: 5.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 14Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Munoz, Natalie

      This is an online class.

      (Enrolled students must have a computer with a working camera and microphone and must check their Canvas account by the first day of the semester. Failure to do so may result n a student being dropped from the course. Contact the instructor for more information at

  • Health Science

    ( 1 section )

    • HLTH-1-53063 CONTEMP HLTH ISS Credit: 3.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 0Waitlist Available: 8

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Locklin, Kim

      This is an online class.

  • Information Systems

    ( 11 sections )

    • IS-15-57168 COMPUTER CONCEPTS Credit: 3.00

      Class dates: 02/03/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 8Waitlist Available: 3

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Morales, Daniel
      LAB -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Morales, Daniel

      This is an online class.

      (Students must have Microsoft Office 2016-Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access. Students must use a PC or MAC to complete assignments. Chromebooks, tablets, or phones will not work in this class.)

    • IS-16-52475 WORD PROCESSING Credit: 1.50

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 26Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Lemos, Corinna
      LAB -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Lemos, Corinna

      This is an online class.

    • IS-18-52476 SPREADSHEET FUND Credit: 1.50

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 26Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Lemos, Corinna
      LAB -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Lemos, Corinna

      This is an online class.

    • IS-316-52960 WORD PROCESSING Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 32Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Lemos, Corinna
      LAB -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Lemos, Corinna

      This is an online class.

    • IS-318-52961 SPREADSHEET FUND Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 32Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Lemos, Corinna
      LAB -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Lemos, Corinna

      This is an online class.

    • IS-340B-58967 ADV WEB DEVELOP Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 29Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Garcia, Naun
      LAB -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Garcia, Naun

      This is an online class.

    • IS-342A-57181 WEB GRAPH/UI DESIGN Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 30Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Morales, Daniel
      LAB -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Morales, Daniel

      This is an online class.

    • IS-370-57101 CYBER SECURITY INTRO Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/11/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 22Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Boyer, Jason
      LAB -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Boyer, Jason

      This is an online class.

    • IS-40B-57102 ADV WEB DEVELOP Credit: 4.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 11Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Garcia, Naun
      LAB -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Garcia, Naun

      This is an online class.

      (Students must use a PC or MAC to complete assignments. Chromebooks, tablets, or phones will not work in this class.)

    • IS-42A-57180 WEB GRAPH/UI DESIGN Credit: 3.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 22Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Morales, Daniel
      LAB -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Morales, Daniel

      This is an online class.

      (Students must use a PC or MAC to complete assignments. Chromebooks, tablets, or phones will not work in this class.)

    • IS-70-57107 CYBER SECURITY INTRO Credit: 3.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 23Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Boyer, Jason
      LAB -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Boyer, Jason

      This is an online class.

  • Library Skills

    ( 2 sections )

    • LIBSKL-2-57898 INF/CMPTR LITRCY Credit: 3.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 3Waitlist Available: 14

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Curry, Stephanie

      This is an online class.

    • LIBSKL-302-58637 INF/CMPTR LITRCY Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 32Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Curry, Stephanie

      This is an online class.

  • Marketing

    ( 2 sections )

    • MKTG-10-57098 MARKETING Credit: 3.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 8Waitlist Available: 4

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Owens, Dylan

      This is an online class.

    • MKTG-310-58715 MARKETING Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 32Waitlist Available: 14

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Owens, Dylan

      This is an online class.

  • Mathematics

    ( 6 sections )

    • MATH-11-51640 INTRO STATISTICS Credit: 4.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 2Waitlist Available: -15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Little Crow, Michael

      This is an online class.

    • MATH-11-53013 INTRO STATISTICS Credit: 4.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 1Waitlist Available: -8

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Tayar, Walid

      This is an online class.

    • MATH-11-53018 INTRO STATISTICS Credit: 4.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 1Waitlist Available: -5

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Andrade, Maria

      This is an online class.

    • MATH-11-55459 INTRO STATISTICS Credit: 4.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 1Waitlist Available: 3

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Little Crow, Michael

      This is an online class.

    • MATH-45-53042 CONTEMP MATH Credit: 3.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 1Waitlist Available: -2

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Perez, Conrad

      This is an online class.

    • MATH-4A-53049 TRIGONOMETRY Credit: 4.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 1Waitlist Available: -3

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Andrade, Maria

      This is an online class.

  • Office Technology

    ( 2 sections )

    • OT-348-57211 TODAYS RECEPTNST Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 30Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Dix, Tiffany

      This is an online class.

    • OT-48-57219 TODAYS RECEPTNST Credit: 1.50

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 12Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Dix, Tiffany

      This is an online class.

  • Philosophy

    ( 1 section )

    • PHIL-2-55441 CRIT REASONING Credit: 3.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 0Waitlist Available: 4

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Keyser, Vadim

      This is an online class.

  • Physical Education

    ( 2 sections )

    • PE-16-52665 FITNESS WALKING Credit: 1.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: -1Waitlist Available: 7

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LAB -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Jennings III, Richard

      This is an online class.

    • PE-16-53076 FITNESS WALKING Credit: 1.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 1Waitlist Available: -1

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LAB -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Locklin, Kim

      This is an online class.

  • Psychology

    ( 1 section )

    • PSY-2-55460 GEN PSYCHOLOGY Credit: 3.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 1Waitlist Available: -11

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Evans, Lianna

      This is an online class.

  • Spanish

    ( 1 section )

    • SPAN-1-52486 BEGIN SPANISH Credit: 5.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 0Waitlist Available: 4

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Gonzalez Mercado, Maria

      This is an online class.

      (Enrolled students must have a computer with a working camera and microphone and must check their Canvas account by the first day of the semester. Failure to do so may result in a student being dropped from the course. Contact the instructor for more information at

  • Surveying

    ( 1 section )

    • SURV-308-52084 EXAM PREP-SURVEYING Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 30Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC T 6:00 PM-6:50 PM Synchronous WEB (Zoom) Limas, Jocelyn
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Limas, Jocelyn

      This is an online class.

  • Agriculture

    ( 1 section )

    • AG-331-57440 FOOD SAFETY Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 32Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC TTH 3:00 PM-5:50 PM In Person CCI 201 Vizcarra, Allen

      This is an in person class.

  • Automotive Technology

    ( 2 sections )

    • AUTOT-309-57299 AUTO ESSENTIALS Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 29Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC TTH 6:00 PM-8:50 PM In Person IND 11 Luna, Floyd

      This is an in person class.

    • AUTOT-9-57297 AUTO ESSENTIALS Credit: 3.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 9Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC TTH 6:00 PM-8:50 PM In Person IND 11 Luna, Floyd

      This is an in person class.

  • Aviation Maintenance Technolog

    ( 3 sections )

    • AMT-20-57269 AVIATION MAINT GEN B Credit: 6.50

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 15Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC MTWTHF 8:00 AM-10:50 AM In Person AER 3 Asman, Jason
      LAB MTWTHF 11:30 AM-2:20 PM In Person AER 3 Asman, Jason

      This is an in person class.

      Petition required

      (Requires instructor authorization to enroll. $600.00 materials fee is required.)

    • AMT-30-57272 AIRFRAME A Credit: 6.50

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 5Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC MTWTHF 8:00 AM-10:50 AM In Person AER 1 Woolsey, Joseph
      LAB MTWTHF 11:30 AM-2:20 PM In Person AER 5 Woolsey, Joseph

      This is an in person class.

      ($600.00 materials fee is required.)

    • AMT-60-57276 POWERPLANT A Credit: 6.50

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 5Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC MTWTHF 8:00 AM-10:50 AM In Person AER 5 Card, John
      LAB MTWTHF 11:30 AM-2:20 PM In Person AER 1 Card, John

      This is an in person class.

      ($600 materials fee required.)

  • Business Administration

    ( 1 section )

    • BA-27-57090 COLLEGIATE ENTRPRENR Credit: 1.00

      Class dates: 02/03/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 20Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR In Person BUS 42 Estes, Peter
      LEC MW 12:00 PM-12:50 PM In Person BUS 42 Estes, Peter
      LAB -- ARR In Person BUS 42 Estes, Peter
      -- ARR In Person BUS 42

      This is an in person class.

      (Students will be required to complete lab hours as arranged. Contact instructor for more information.)

  • Communication Studies

    ( 3 sections )

    • COMM-301-57829 SPEAKING BASICS Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/04/2025 to 03/06/2025

      Seats Available: 29Waitlist Available: 0

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC TTH 6:00 PM-8:50 PM In Person SOC 39 Cash, Kennedy

      This is an in person class.

    • COMM-303-57879 CONFL RES STRATEGIES Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/11/2025 to 03/13/2025

      Seats Available: 27Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC TTH 6:00 PM-8:50 PM In Person SOC 39 Silva, Karla

      This is an in person class.

    • COMM-305-57881 LEAD/COMMUNICATION Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/18/2025 to 03/20/2025

      Seats Available: 29Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC TTH 6:00 PM-8:50 PM In Person SOC 39 Martinez, Ricardo

      This is an in person class.

  • Counseling

    ( 1 section )

    • COUN-283-50471 PARENT STRATEGIES Credit: 1.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 4Waitlist Available: 0

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC M 12:00 PM-12:50 PM In Person POR 4 Rivera, Blanca

      This is an in person class.

      Faculty consent needed

  • Dental Assisting

    ( 1 section )

    • DA-103-52557 DENTAL ASSIST 3 Credit: 5.00

      Class dates: 05/02/2025 to 05/02/2025

      Seats Available: 15Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC F 4:00 PM-5:50 PM In Person MSCI 111 Sorensen, Shelly
      LEC F 4:00 PM-5:50 PM In Person MSCI 111 Sorensen, Shelly
      LAB -- ARR In Person RDLY ARR Sorensen, Shelly
      -- ARR In Person RDLY ARR

      This is an in person class.

      (On-campus meetings in MSCI 111 on the following Fridays: 4/11 4:00pm-5:50pm, 5/2 4:00pm-5:50pm)

  • English

    ( 1 section )

    • ENGL-1A-57580 READ & COMP Credit: 4.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 20Waitlist Available: 2

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC MTWTH 8:00 AM-9:50 AM In Person RC ARR Ellison, Karissa

      This is an in person class.

      (Students must have access to a Windows PC or Mac and Microsoft Office 2019, Office 2021, or Office 365: Word. Office 365 is available free to all SCCCD students.)

  • Environmental Horticulture

    ( 1 section )

    • EH-383-52419 HOME FOOD PROD Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 01/13/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 13Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LAB TH 9:00 AM-11:50 AM In Person LSH 3 Berry, Oma

      This is an in person class.

  • Forestry and Natural Resources

    ( 12 sections )

    • NR-110-55481 FORS FLD STDY II Credit: 0.50

      Class dates: 04/24/2025 to 04/25/2025

      Seats Available: 3Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC THF ARR In Person SEQ SEQ Long, Louie
      LEC M ARR In Person RC ARR Long, Louie
      LEC W 7:00 AM-7:50 AM In Person FNR 8 Long, Louie
      LAB THF ARR In Person SEQ SEQ Long, Louie
      -- ARR In Person SEQ SEQ

      This is an in person class.

    • NR-116-55480 ADV FIELD STDS II Credit: 0.50

      Class dates: 04/24/2025 to 04/25/2025

      Seats Available: 34Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC THF ARR In Person SEQ SEQ Rodriguez, Kayla
      LEC M ARR In Person RC ARR Rodriguez, Kayla
      LEC W 7:00 AM-7:50 AM In Person FNR 8 Rodriguez, Kayla
      LAB THF ARR In Person SEQ SEQ Soderlund, Joshua
      -- ARR In Person SEQ SEQ

      This is an in person class.

    • NR-117-57409 ANML PKG FLD STUDY Credit: 0.50

      Class dates: 04/23/2025 to 04/25/2025

      Seats Available: 29Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR In Person ARR ARR Langdon, Loni
      LAB -- ARR In Person RC ARR Langdon, Loni

      This is an in person class.

    • NR-310-55492 FORS FLD STDY II Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 04/24/2025 to 04/25/2025

      Seats Available: 50Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC THF ARR In Person SEQ SEQ Long, Louie
      LEC M ARR In Person RC ARR Long, Louie
      LEC W 7:00 AM-7:50 AM In Person FNR 8 Long, Louie
      LAB THF ARR In Person SEQ SEQ Long, Louie
      -- ARR In Person SEQ SEQ

      This is an in person class.

    • NR-316-55493 ADV FIELD STDS II Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 04/24/2025 to 04/25/2025

      Seats Available: 50Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC THF ARR In Person SEQ SEQ Soderlund, Joshua
      LEC M ARR In Person RC ARR Soderlund, Joshua
      LEC W 7:00 AM-7:50 AM In Person FNR 8 Soderlund, Joshua
      LAB THF ARR In Person SEQ SEQ Soderlund, Joshua
      -- ARR In Person SEQ SEQ

      This is an in person class.

    • NR-31C-58727 ANIMAL PACKING-COMP Credit: 2.00

      Class dates: 05/19/2025 to 05/27/2025

      Seats Available: 15Waitlist Available: 0

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC MTWTHFSAT 8:00 AM-8:50 AM In Person PAV PAV Langdon, Loni
      LAB MTWTHFSAT 11:00 AM-1:50 PM In Person PAV PAV Langdon, Loni

      This is an in person class.

    • NR-331C-58752 ANIMAL PACKING-COMP Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 05/19/2025 to 05/27/2025

      Seats Available: 15Waitlist Available: 0

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC MTWTHFSAT 8:00 AM-8:50 AM In Person PAV PAV Langdon, Loni
      LAB MTWTHFSAT 9:00 AM-10:50 AM In Person PAV PAV Langdon, Loni

      This is an in person class.

    • NR-357-52858 S-230 CREW BOSS Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 02/24/2025 to 02/27/2025

      Seats Available: 23Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC TH 1:00 PM-2:50 PM In Person LRC 104 Ford, Gabriel
      LEC MTW 1:00 PM-3:50 PM In Person RDLY ARR Ford, Gabriel
      LEC MTWTH 8:00 AM-11:50 AM In Person RDLY ARR Ford, Gabriel

      This is an in person class.

      Faculty consent needed

      (Requires instructor authorization to add course.)

    • NR-360-57423 S-290 FIRE BEHAVIOR Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/25/2025 to 03/28/2025

      Seats Available: 25Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC MTWTH ARR In Person RDLY ARR Wolf, Jonathan
      LEC MTWTH ARR In Person RDLY ARR Wolf, Jonathan

      This is an in person class.

      (Requires instructor authorization to add course.)

    • NR-362-52864 M-410 INSTRUCTOR Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/24/2025 to 03/28/2025

      Seats Available: 22Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC MTWTHF 1:00 PM-3:50 PM In Person FNR 3 Ford, Gabriel
      LEC MTWTHF 8:00 AM-11:50 AM In Person FNR 3 Ford, Gabriel

      This is an in person class.

      Faculty consent needed

      (Requires instructor authorization to add course.)

    • NR-392-58782 WILDERNESS SURVIVAL Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 14Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC T 6:00 PM-6:50 PM In Person FNR 8 Johnson, Travis
      LAB SATSUN 8:00 AM-4:50 PM In Person SEQ SEQ Johnson, Travis
      LAB T 7:00 PM-7:50 PM In Person FNR 8 Johnson, Travis

      This is an in person class.

      (This class also meets on one Saturday & one Sunday with dates TBA. Contact the instructor for more information at

    • NR-92-57435 WILDERNESS SURVIVAL Credit: 1.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 4Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC T 6:00 PM-6:50 PM In Person FNR 8 Johnson, Travis
      LAB SATSUN 8:00 AM-4:50 PM In Person SEQ SEQ Johnson, Travis
      LAB T 7:00 PM-7:50 PM In Person FNR 8 Johnson, Travis

      This is an in person class.

      (This class also meets on one Saturday & one Sunday withdates TBA.Contact the instructor for more information at

  • Health Science

    ( 1 section )

    • HLTH-2-53066 FIRST AID&SAFETY Credit: 3.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 14Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC TTH 6:30 PM-9:20 PM In Person FNR 3 Jennings III, Richard

      This is an in person class.

  • History

    ( 1 section )

    • HIST-12-55433 U S SINCE 1865 Credit: 3.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 21Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC MW 1:00 PM-3:50 PM In Person POR 5 Hagen, Matthew

      This is an in person class.

  • Information Systems

    ( 2 sections )

    • IS-354-58975 NTWRK SEC & AUTOMTN Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 23Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC TWTH 12:00 PM-1:50 PM In Person HUM 62 Boyer, Jason
      LAB TWTH 2:00 PM-3:50 PM In Person HUM 62 Boyer, Jason

      This is an in person class.

    • IS-54-57105 NTWRK SEC & AUTOMTN Credit: 4.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 15Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC TWTH 12:00 PM-1:50 PM In Person HUM 62 Boyer, Jason
      LAB TWTH 2:00 PM-3:50 PM In Person HUM 62 Boyer, Jason

      This is an in person class.

  • Manufacturing Technology

    ( 5 sections )

    • MFGT-277-57301 WELD ASSISTANCE Credit: 0.50

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 18Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LAB -- ARR In Person IND 19 Fransen, Robert

      This is an in person class.

      (Instructor permission is required to enroll. Students will be required to complete 1.5 hours to 6 hours each week. Contact the instructor at

    • MFGT-62-57311 ADVANCED WELDING Credit: 4.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 5Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC MTW 7:00 AM-7:50 AM In Person IND 11 Mancini, Andrew
      LAB MTW 11:00 AM-1:15 PM In Person IND 19 Mancini, Andrew
      LAB MTW 8:00 AM-10:15 AM In Person IND 11 Mancini, Andrew

      This is an in person class.

      (Second 9 weeks)

    • MFGT-82-57323 ADV MACH SHOP Credit: 6.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 17Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC MTWTH 7:30 AM-8:45 AM In Person IND 17 Tikkanen, David
      LAB MTWTH 8:45 AM-1:00 PM In Person IND 16 Tikkanen, David

      This is an in person class.

    • MFGT-93-57316 PROG LOGIC CNTROLRS Credit: 2.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 16Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC T 12:45 PM-3:35 PM In Person IND 17 Ornelas, Michael
      LAB TH 12:45 PM-3:35 PM In Person IND 17 Ornelas, Michael

      This is an in person class.

    • MFGT-96-57318 POWER TRANSMISSION Credit: 4.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 16Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC MTWTH 7:30 AM-8:05 AM In Person IND 17 Ornelas, Michael
      LAB MTWTH 8:05 AM-11:55 AM In Person IND 16 Ornelas, Michael

      This is an in person class.

  • Mathematics

    ( 1 section )

    • MATH-10B-53001 MATH TEACHER II Credit: 3.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 24Waitlist Available: 5

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC MWF 10:00 AM-11:50 AM In Person CCI 201 Andrade, Maria

      This is an in person class.

  • Office Technology

    ( 2 sections )

    • OT-17-57133 JOB RETENTION/RESP Credit: 1.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 9Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC F 10:00 AM-11:50 AM In Person BUS 49 Heckman, Laurie

      This is an in person class.

    • OT-317-58748 JOB RETENTION/RESP Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 23Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC F 10:00 AM-11:50 AM In Person BUS 49 Heckman, Laurie

      This is an in person class.

  • Physical Education

    ( 4 sections )

    • PE-31C-53087 BSKTBALL CONDITN Credit: 1.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 20Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LAB MTWTH 12:30 PM-1:45 PM In Person PHS 350 Kilbert, Daniel

      This is an in person class.

    • PE-31C-58555 BSKTBALL CONDITN Credit: 1.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 18Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LAB TWTH 8:00 AM-9:50 AM In Person PHS 350 Taber, Jeffrey

      This is an in person class.

    • PE-33D-53089 FOOTBALL TRAINING Credit: 2.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 6Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LAB MTWTHF 5:00 PM-7:30 PM In Person RC FIELD Hartenfels, Robert

      This is an in person class.

    • PE-33D-53090 FOOTBALL TRAINING Credit: 2.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 38Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LAB MTWTHF 5:00 PM-7:30 PM In Person RC FIELD STAFF, RC DIVB

      This is an in person class.

  • Sociology

    ( 1 section )

    • SOC-2-55467 AMER MINORITY GR Credit: 3.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 33Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC TTH 11:00 AM-1:50 PM In Person POR 5 Torres Melano, Cinthya

      This is an in person class.

  • Supervised Tutoring

    ( 1 section )

    • ST-300-57658 SUPERVISED TUTOR Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 01/13/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 1200Waitlist Available: 0

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LAB -- ARR In Person LRC 115 Borofka, Debbie

      This is an in person class.

  • Welding Technology

    ( 1 section )

    • WELD-377-57305 WELD ASSISTANCE Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 6Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LAB -- ARR In Person IND 19 Fransen, Robert

      This is an in person class.

      (Instructor permision is required to enroll. Students will be required to complete 3 hours to 18 hours each week. Contact the instructor at

  • Wildland Fire

    ( 6 sections )

    • WLF-110-55458 WLF FIELD STUDIES II Credit: 0.50

      Class dates: 04/24/2025 to 04/25/2025

      Seats Available: 13Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC THF ARR In Person SEQ SEQ Escutia, Samuel
      LEC W 7:00 AM-7:50 AM In Person FNR 4 Escutia, Samuel
      LAB THF ARR In Person SEQ SEQ Escutia, Samuel
      -- ARR In Person SEQ SEQ

      This is an in person class.

      Faculty consent needed

      (Wildland Fire Academy. Requires Instructor authorization to add course.)

    • WLF-110-55468 WLF FIELD STUDIES II Credit: 0.50

      Class dates: 04/24/2025 to 04/25/2025

      Seats Available: 6Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC THF ARR In Person SEQ SEQ Hernandez, Adam
      LEC W 7:00 AM-7:50 AM In Person FNR 3 Hernandez, Adam
      LAB THF ARR In Person SEQ SEQ Hernandez, Adam
      -- ARR In Person SEQ SEQ

      This is an in person class.

      Faculty consent needed

      (Wildland Fire Academy. Requires Instructor authorization to add course.)

    • WLF-110-55470 WLF FIELD STUDIES II Credit: 0.50

      Class dates: 04/24/2025 to 04/25/2025

      Seats Available: 4Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC THF ARR In Person SEQ SEQ Cremers, Andrew
      LEC W 7:00 AM-7:50 AM In Person FNR 7 Cremers, Andrew
      LAB THF ARR In Person SEQ SEQ Cremers, Andrew
      -- ARR In Person SEQ SEQ

      This is an in person class.

      Faculty consent needed

      (Wildland Fire Academy. Requires Instructor authorization to add course.)

    • WLF-135-52952 RT-130 SAFETY TRNG Credit: 1.50

      Class dates: 05/19/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 25Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC MTWTHF 9:00 AM-2:20 PM In Person RC ARR Hernandez, Adam
      LAB MTWTHF 2:30 PM-3:50 PM In Person RC ARR Hernandez, Adam

      This is an in person class.

    • WLF-135-57410 RT-130 SAFETY TRNG Credit: 1.50

      Class dates: 04/28/2025 to 05/02/2025

      Seats Available: 29Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC MTWTH 8:00 AM-2:35 PM In Person FNR 7 Baker, Shawn
      LAB MTWTH 3:00 PM-4:50 PM In Person FNR 7 Baker, Shawn

      This is an in person class.

    • WLF-333-52954 WLF FLD STUDIES III Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 04/05/2025 to 04/09/2025

      Seats Available: 9Waitlist Available: 0

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC MTWSATSUN 8:00 AM-11:50 AM In Person RC ARR Hernandez, Adam
      LAB MTWSATSUN 1:00 PM-4:50 PM In Person RC ARR Hernandez, Adam

      This is an in person class.

  • Agriculture

    ( 3 sections )

    • AG-350-54578 AG TECHNICAL LITERACY Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: -1Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Cervantes, Juan Carlos
      LEC W 5:00 PM-7:50 PM In Person HC 310 Cervantes, Juan Carlos

      This is a hybrid class.

      (Clovis Community College)

    • AG-352-54585 AGRICULTURAL SAFETY Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: -1Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Cervantes, Juan Carlos
      LEC T 5:00 PM-6:20 PM In Person HC 310 Cervantes, Juan Carlos
      LAB TH 5:00 PM-7:50 PM In Person HC 310 Cervantes, Juan Carlos

      This is a hybrid class.

      (Clovis Community College)

    • AG-352-54589 AGRICULTURAL SAFETY Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 0Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Cervantes, Juan Carlos
      LEC T 6:30 PM-7:50 PM In Person HC 310 Cervantes, Juan Carlos
      LAB SAT 9:00 AM-11:50 AM In Person HC 310 Cervantes, Juan Carlos

      This is a hybrid class.

      (Clovis Community College)

  • Astronomy

    ( 1 section )

    • ASTRO-10-52002 INTRO ASTRONOMY Credit: 4.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 7Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Sugimoto, Garrett
      LAB MW 5:00 PM-6:50 PM In Person PHY 70 Sugimoto, Garrett
      -- 5:00 PM-6:50 PM In Person PHY 70

      This is a hybrid class.

  • Business Administration

    ( 1 section )

    • BA-39-58713 FINITE MATH BUS Credit: 3.00

      Class dates: 02/03/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 1Waitlist Available: 6

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Morales, Daniel
      LEC TTH 2:00 PM-3:05 PM In Person BUS 49 Morales, Daniel

      This is a hybrid class.

  • Counseling

    ( 1 section )

    • COUN-53-57436 COLLEGE/LIFE MGMT Credit: 3.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 0Waitlist Available: 7

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC MW 3:30 PM-4:45 PM In Person POR 4 Affeldt, Melissa

      This is an in person class.

  • Early Childhood Education

    ( 4 sections )

    • ECE-2-54062 CHILD GRWTH DEV Credit: 3.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 8Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Marsh, Nancy
      LEC MW 8:00 AM-9:30 AM In Person CECE 104 Marsh, Nancy

      This is a hybrid class.

    • ECE-2-54063 CHILD GRWTH DEV Credit: 3.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 7Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Marsh, Nancy
      LEC TTH 8:00 AM-9:30 AM In Person CECE 104 Marsh, Nancy

      This is a hybrid class.

    • ECE-4-54071 CHILD/FAM/COMMUN Credit: 3.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 6Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Quesada, Karena
      LEC TTH 10:00 AM-11:50 AM In Person CECE 104 Quesada, Karena

      This is a hybrid class.

    • ECE-6-54074 HLTH/SAFETY/NUTRN Credit: 3.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 26Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Marsh, Nancy
      LEC MW 12:30 PM-1:45 PM In Person CECE 104 Marsh, Nancy

      This is a hybrid class.

  • English

    ( 2 sections )

    • ENGL-1B-57586 INTRO LITERATURE Credit: 3.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 2Waitlist Available: 2

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Lyons, Deborah
      LEC TTH 9:00 AM-10:15 AM In Person CCI 207 Lyons, Deborah

      This is a hybrid class.

      (Students must have access to a Windows PC or Mac and Microsoft Office 2019, Office 2021, or Office 365: Word. Office 365 is available free to all SCCCD students. Contact the instructor for more information at

    • ENGL-3-51466 CRIT RDG & WRIT Credit: 3.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 23Waitlist Available: 0

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Paul, Heather
      LEC TTH 12:00 PM-1:50 PM In Person CECE 104 Paul, Heather

      This is a hybrid class.

  • Office Technology

    ( 20 sections )

    • OT-11C-57173 WORD PROCESS PROJ Credit: 1.50

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 15Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Dix, Tiffany
      LEC M 1:00 PM-2:50 PM In Person BUS 42 Dix, Tiffany
      LAB -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Dix, Tiffany

      This is a hybrid class.

    • OT-12C-57175 SPREADSHEET PROJ Credit: 1.50

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 19Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Dix, Tiffany
      LEC W 10:00 AM-11:50 AM In Person BUS 41 Dix, Tiffany
      LAB -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Dix, Tiffany

      This is a hybrid class.

    • OT-13A-57216 MICROSOFT ACCESS Credit: 1.50

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 21Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Ensz, Toni
      LEC M 12:00 PM-1:50 PM In Person BUS 41 Ensz, Toni
      LAB -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Ensz, Toni

      This is a hybrid class.

    • OT-150-57112 BEGIN KEYBOARDING Credit: 1.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 25Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Heckman, Laurie
      LEC M 9:00 AM-9:50 AM In Person BUS 41 Heckman, Laurie
      LAB -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Heckman, Laurie
      LAB WF 9:00 AM-9:50 AM In Person BUS 41 Heckman, Laurie

      This is a hybrid class.

    • OT-151-57122 CHAMPION KEYBRDG Credit: 1.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 28Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Heckman, Laurie
      LEC M 8:00 AM-8:50 AM In Person BUS 41 Heckman, Laurie
      LAB -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Heckman, Laurie
      LAB WF 8:00 AM-8:50 AM In Person BUS 41 Heckman, Laurie

      This is a hybrid class.

    • OT-152-57129 SPEED TYPING Credit: 1.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 26Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Heckman, Laurie
      LEC M 8:00 AM-8:50 AM In Person BUS 41 Heckman, Laurie
      LAB -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Heckman, Laurie
      LAB WF 8:00 AM-8:50 AM In Person BUS 41 Heckman, Laurie

      This is a hybrid class.

    • OT-1-57166 COMPUTER BASICS Credit: 1.50

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 29Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Dix, Tiffany
      LEC M 10:00 AM-11:50 AM In Person BUS 41 Dix, Tiffany
      LAB -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Dix, Tiffany

      This is a hybrid class.

    • OT-28-57232 MED OFC SOFTWARE Credit: 1.50

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 22Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Ensz, Toni
      LEC M 12:00 PM-1:50 PM In Person BUS 41 Ensz, Toni
      LAB -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Ensz, Toni

      This is a hybrid class.

    • OT-301-57177 COMPUTER BASICS Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 30Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Dix, Tiffany
      LEC M 10:00 AM-11:50 AM In Person BUS 41 Dix, Tiffany
      LAB -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Dix, Tiffany

      This is a hybrid class.

    • OT-305-57186 DOCUMENT FRMTTG Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 32Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC W 2:00 PM-3:50 PM In Person BUS 41 Dix, Tiffany
      LAB -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Dix, Tiffany

      This is a hybrid class.

    • OT-306-57209 DATA ENTRY/QUICKBOOKS Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 29Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC W 12:00 PM-1:50 PM In Person BUS 41 Dix, Tiffany
      LAB -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Dix, Tiffany

      This is a hybrid class.

    • OT-311C-57208 WORD PROCESS PROJ Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 32Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Dix, Tiffany
      LEC M 1:00 PM-2:50 PM In Person BUS 42 Dix, Tiffany
      LAB -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Dix, Tiffany

      This is a hybrid class.

    • OT-312C-57210 SPREADSHEET PROJ Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 30Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Dix, Tiffany
      LEC W 10:00 AM-11:50 AM In Person BUS 41 Dix, Tiffany
      LAB -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Dix, Tiffany

      This is a hybrid class.

    • OT-313A-57233 MICROSOFT ACCESS Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 32Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Ensz, Toni
      LEC M 12:00 PM-1:50 PM In Person BUS 41 Ensz, Toni
      LAB -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Staff TBD

      This is a hybrid class.

    • OT-328-57234 MED OFC SOFTWARE Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 32Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Ensz, Toni
      LEC M 2:00 PM-3:15 PM In Person BUS 41 Ensz, Toni
      LAB -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Ensz, Toni

      This is a hybrid class.

    • OT-350-57116 BEGIN KEYBOARDING Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 31Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Heckman, Laurie
      LEC M 9:00 AM-9:50 AM In Person BUS 41 Heckman, Laurie
      LAB -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Heckman, Laurie
      LAB WF 9:00 AM-9:50 AM In Person BUS 41 Heckman, Laurie

      This is a hybrid class.

    • OT-351-57130 CHAMPION KEYBRDG Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 31Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC M 8:00 AM-8:50 AM In Person BUS 41 Heckman, Laurie
      LAB -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Heckman, Laurie
      LAB WF 8:00 AM-8:50 AM In Person BUS 41 Heckman, Laurie

      This is a hybrid class.

    • OT-352-57132 SPEED TYPING Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 32Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC M 8:00 AM-8:50 AM In Person BUS 41 Heckman, Laurie
      LAB -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Heckman, Laurie
      LAB WF 8:00 AM-8:50 AM In Person BUS 41 Heckman, Laurie

      This is a hybrid class.

    • OT-5-57224 DOCUMENT FRMTTG Credit: 1.50

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 20Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC W 2:00 PM-3:50 PM In Person BUS 41 Dix, Tiffany
      LAB -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Dix, Tiffany

      This is a hybrid class.

    • OT-6-57231 DATA ENTRY/QUICKBOOKS Credit: 1.50

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 13Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC W 12:00 PM-1:50 PM In Person BUS 41 Dix, Tiffany
      LAB -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) Dix, Tiffany

      This is a hybrid class.

  • Nursing Assistant Training

    ( 1 section )

    • NAT-103-52554 NURSE ASST CLINICAL Credit: 2.00

      Class dates: 03/04/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 0Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LAB TWTH 4:00 PM-7:05 PM In Person RDLY PALMVLAG Dhillon, Manjit

      This is an in person class.

      Faculty consent needed

  • Office Technology

    ( 8 sections )

    • OT-11A-58779 MICROSOFT WORD Credit: 1.50

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 21Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) STAFF, RC DIVC
      LEC W 6:00 PM-7:50 PM In Person SEL ADLTSC STAFF, RC DIVC
      LAB -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) STAFF, RC DIVC
      -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online)

      This is a hybrid class.

      (Selma Adult School)

    • OT-151-58778 CHAMPION KEYBRDG Credit: 1.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 24Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC TH 6:00 PM-6:50 PM In Person SEL ADLTSC STAFF, RC DIVC
      LAB -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) STAFF, RC DIVC
      LAB TH 7:00 PM-7:50 PM In Person SEL ADLTSC STAFF, RC DIVC

      This is a hybrid class.

      (Selma Adult School)

    • OT-152-57802 SPEED TYPING Credit: 1.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 25Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC T 6:00 PM-6:50 PM In Person SAN ADULT STAFF, RC DIVC
      LAB -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) STAFF, RC DIVC
      LAB T 7:00 PM-7:50 PM In Person SAN ADULT STAFF, RC DIVC

      This is a hybrid class.

      (Sanger Adult School)

    • OT-305-57154 DOCUMENT FRMTTG Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 23Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC M 6:00 PM-7:50 PM In Person SAN ADULT STAFF, RC DIVC
      LAB -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) STAFF, RC DIVC

      This is a hybrid class.

      (Sanger Adult School)

    • OT-311A-58775 MICROSOFT WORD Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 21Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) STAFF, RC DIVC
      LEC W 6:00 PM-7:50 PM In Person SEL ADLTSC STAFF, RC DIVC
      LAB -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) STAFF, RC DIVC
      -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online)

      This is a hybrid class.

      (Selma Adult School)

    • OT-351-58780 CHAMPION KEYBRDG Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 22Waitlist Available: 0

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC TH 6:00 PM-6:50 PM In Person SEL ADLTSC STAFF, RC DIVC
      LAB -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) STAFF, RC DIVC
      LAB TH 7:00 PM-7:50 PM In Person SEL ADLTSC STAFF, RC DIVC

      This is a hybrid class.

      (Selma Adult School)

    • OT-352-57150 SPEED TYPING Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 24Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC T 6:00 PM-6:50 PM In Person SAN ADULT STAFF, RC DIVC
      LAB -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) STAFF, RC DIVC
      LAB T 7:00 PM-7:50 PM In Person SAN ADULT STAFF, RC DIVC

      This is a hybrid class.

      (Sanger Adults School)

    • OT-5-57800 DOCUMENT FRMTTG Credit: 1.50

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 25Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC M 6:00 PM-7:50 PM In Person SAN ADULT STAFF, RC DIVC
      LAB -- ARR Asynchronous WEB (Online) STAFF, RC DIVC

      This is a hybrid class.

      (Sanger Adult School)

  • Physical Education

    ( 3 sections )

    • PE-301-50847 OLDER ADULT FIT/MOVE Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/16/2025

      Seats Available: 3Waitlist Available: 0

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC M 8:30 AM-9:35 AM In Person SAN ADULT Schulte, Tracy
      LAB WF 8:30 AM-9:20 AM In Person SAN ADULT Schulte, Tracy

      This is an in person class.

      (This section meets at Sanger Adult)

    • PE-301-55526 OLDER ADULT FIT/MOVE Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/02/2025

      Seats Available: 40Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC M 8:30 AM-9:45 AM In Person SEL ADLTSC Newell, Michael
      LAB WF 8:30 AM-9:45 AM In Person SEL ADLTSC Newell, Michael

      This is an in person class.

      (This course meets at Selma Adult)

    • PE-301-55527 OLDER ADULT FIT/MOVE Credit: 0.00

      Class dates: 05/05/2025 to 06/13/2025

      Seats Available: 40Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LEC M 8:30 AM-10:00 AM In Person SEL ADLTSC STAFF, RC DIVB
      LAB WF 8:30 AM-9:50 AM In Person SEL ADLTSC STAFF, RC DIVB

      This is an in person class.

      (This course meets at Selma Adult)

  • Work Experience, General

    ( 1 section )

    • WKEXP-19-51446 WORK EXP EDUC Credit: 1.00

      Class dates: 03/17/2025 to 05/23/2025

      Seats Available: 66Waitlist Available: 15

      Type Day Time Method Room Instructor
      LAB -- ARR In Person RDLY ARR Charles, Joseph

      This is an in person class.

      Petition required

      (Attendance is required at one work experience information session. Choose one from: 3/20 at 4:00 p.m.-4:50 p.m. or 5: 00p.m.-5:50 p.m. in CCI 203. For more information contact the instructors at or

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