American Sign Language

This program will use the linguistic aspects of the language as well as the many facets of Deaf Culture to be linguistically competent allies for Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals and may find employment in various settings that require the knowledge of the Deaf culture and language. Possible employment options include working as Para educators and/or Interpreting Aides in a Deaf and Hard of Hearing classroom as well as various positions in Deaf/Hard of Hearing organizations.
American Sign LanguageCommunication

The Reedley College Communication Program is a comprehensive program that offers a transfer degree and certificate in communication through a variety of courses. We work closely with our students helping prepare them to transfer and learn communication skills necessary to be successful in college and life.

The Criminology Program is designed for those students interested in the academy, employment and/or further education in all aspects of the criminal justice system-criminology, law enforcement, the courts, corrections, probation and parole, juvenile procedures and private and industrial security.

Program provides ESL students with the reading, writing and oral skills in English needed to succeed in a variety of advanced academic and vocational situations. Students attaining completing program will be ready to begin study in vocational and academic programs.

History is the study of the human past, tracing the economic, cultural, social, and intellectual development of society over time. This program prepares student for advanced university studies and potential careers in areas such as teaching, archival research, public history, journalism, government service, business and law.

Program designed to develop critical thinking skills, as well as enhance the ability to read, comprehend, and analyze complex arguments on a variety of issues. These skills will be valuable assets to transfer students to four-year institutions, whether they major in philosophy or another field of study.
PhilosophyPolitical Science

Program give students a strong foundation in the study of American politics and government, nation-states, international relations, political philosophy, and political science methodology.
Political ScienceSocial Sciences

Students who complete the requirements for the Social Science Associate Degree will acquire a knowledge of human behavior, society, and institutions through the study of courses in Anthropology, Economics, Ethnic Studies, Geography, History, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology.
Social SciencesSociology

Sociology is the scientific study of human society and social interaction. The sociological perspective is a powerful tool to critically analyze and understand contemporary society at the local, regional, national, and global levels. Sociology focuses on social interactions as well as large-scale social institutions such as economy, politics, education, mass media, religion, and the criminal justice system.

Provides students the opportunity to learn about the scientific study of human behavior and mental processes. The discipline emphasizes the use of critical thinking and the scientific method to ask questions, acquire and evaluate information, and solve problems in the context of human thoughts and behavior

The Spanish program is appropriate for students considering careers in fields such as education, translation and interpretation, business, health, social services, media, law and tourism. Students will acquire the Spanish language in a culturally rich environment and will possess the receptive skills (listening and reading) and the productive skills (speaking and writing) necessary to achieve communicative competence in order to pursue more advanced study of Spanish at a four-year institution.
SpanishWorld Languages

Students pursuing a degree in World Languages will possess the receptive skills (listening and reading) and the productive skills (speaking and writing) necessary to achieve communicative competence in at least one foreign language and will be prepared to pursue more advanced study of that language at a four-year institution.
World Languages